To make this component work you must follow these steps:
  1. Add a Page trigger and select Page load
  2. Select the Loader 3 [Hide] animation inside When page finishes loading
  3. Position loader3_component inside page-wrapper
  4. Set loader3_component position to fixed and display to none
Sometimes there may be a bug where the website briefly flashes before the loader is displayed. To avoid this add the following custom code in your Site settings > Custom Code > Head code
 .preloader {
   display: flex;


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Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a widely used platform formeasuring the performance of a website. It helps us to understand things likewhat our visitors are reading and what technology (e.g. browsers) we shouldprioritise for testing. This information is used to help us give you the bestpossible experience – more of what you want, and less of what you don’t.

We process the data collected by these GoogleAnalytics cookies. Google Analytics may provide us with technical support. Datamay be collected - in aggregate form only from which no one visitor to our sitecan be identified or distinguished from another - by Google Analytics to helpimprove Google Analytics' products and services.

Rejecting analytic cookies will prevent usfrom using Google Analytics cookies to collect data about your visit(s) to oursite, which would be used by us in aggregation with other visitors' data tounderstand visitors' behaviour and how many visits are made to our site. Thiswill not affect any consent to the use of Google Analytics cookies that you maygive to other websites.



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